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Welcome to Your Limbic Arc Trial!

This page is your go to resource page for information about Limbic Arc through the Wellness For All Club and the Quantum Nomad Team.




Step 1:

Watch the Video Below 🙂 👇

Welcome!  Someone who loves you has shared this powerful technology that can assist you in accessing greater well-being!

Watch this video first, you'll discover how to set up your app to get the greatest benefit.   

Step 2:

Scan the Boosts Below and choose which you'd like to activate first


Limbic Arc Has Custom Programs You Can Activate

Based on Your Unique Scan 


Choose which would benefit you right now?


Step 3:

Receive your invitation and set up your first 24 hour InfoBoost!


(Check your spam and promotions folders, if gmail it will be in promotions)


Step 4:

Get familiar with the Limbic Arc Dashboard


Adding a bookmark to home screen 


Step 5:

Let Creator Dr. Cook explain how it all works 6 Minute Version

Dr. Cook explains Limbic Arc and answers many questions through the Joint Support call in June 2020


Dr. Cook explains Limbic Arc in great detail during a lunch and learn for his Zyto employees

Step 6:

Connect with our amazing community and See what this technology is creating for 1000's of others!

Step 7:

In your first 24 hours - check in with your body and see how you feel.  Look at everything, not just what you are hoping to get help with.


Message the person who invited you and give them an update after 24 hours!  

Step 8:

During your trial, check out the Units Section of our Facebook group or browse the FAQ below!

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Or simply select upgrade in your app while your trial is still active

Frequently Asked Questions

After your first 24 hours, add more InfoBoosts

You can add 2 more InfoBoosts to your Custom InfoBoost for a total of 3.  So go ahead and see which ones call to you and activate!  After 24 hours, the app will ask you to re-spark scan so it has a current reading of your energy system.  This is only necessary when you are wanting to change up your boosts.  We DO NOT recommend changing your boosts every 24 hours.  Doctor Cook suggests letting the boost run for 14 days.  For me, 10 days seems to work perfect.  You will have to figure out what works best for you.

How many InfoBoosts can I run at once and for how long?

You can run 3 at a time.
You can run them for the # of days you set them for, or cancel one at any time and activate another one.

How can I edit and InfoBoost while it is running?

Is there a list of ingredients?

Yes! Currently, August 2020 there are over 550 ingredients.

How do I add the Limbic Arc Website to my Phone Homescreen

While we do not currently have a phone app, you can easily add the URL to your home screen on any phone.  Watch this video to show you how.

Eeek, have I had too much?  What is overload?

Instructions are found here

Where can I add 5G energy information

Instructions are found here.  Check out the YouTube video below!

Can I share my app?

With each $100/mo USD account, you receive 8 friends and family accounts for $10 each per month.

Can my family use their account on my phone?

Yes!  You simply log out of your account and log into theirs!

Is Limbic Arc A Medical Device?

Limbic Arc is a wellness app, not meant to diagnose or treat illness.


Adam Ford is the General Counsel for Limbic Arc and in this video, he details some important compliance topics.

Where can I find heaps of testimonials?


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