Good Evening!
I just wanted to ask if you are the one in every 5 adults that are living with chronic pain. According to a report from the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) the estimate is that 50 million American adults (which is 20.4 percent of the U.S. population in September of 2018) have chronic pain.
Chronic pain is defined as pain most days or every day for at least the past six months. It does appear that age and sex seem to make a difference. Higher percentages exist among older people and women.
Unfortunately, for 8 percent of those with chronic pain (19.6 million adults), the pain is bad enough limit their daily life and work activities.
Pain is horrible! I am not dealing with pain currently, but I did back in 2014. I was out of work for more than six months because of a pain that no doctor could identify but it was debilitating. I tried everything medically available, even exploratory surgery and nothing took care of my pain.
A sweet chiropractor, Dr. Brendon Kiger and an angelic physical therapist by the name of Anne got me out of the pain and back to work. My chiropractor knew the incredible pain I was in and suggested that I try dry needling. The dry needling did not work but Anne was not giving up on me. She worked her incredibly painful magic and after 5 sessions and a whole lot of tears, the pain was gone.
I sure wish I new about the Quantum Wellness App back then. I know that it would have made all the difference. Check out Ron Murray's testimonial - he had pain for 63 years and it went away just like that. Or how about Terri Mackinnon and her bout with Lyme's disease and cancer.
If you would like to learn how this revolutionary new to the world wellness app could make a HUGE difference in your life and your journey to a better quality of life, check out the this link for more information.