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What is Limbic Arc?

Limbic Arc in 2 minutes

Limbic Arc explained by Dr. Cook - Reader's Digest Version

Need More - Doctor Cook Explains Limbic Arc during a Lunch and Learn at Zyto Corp.

Are you a visual learner like me?  See it in action!

Richard Lehwald conducts a bio energy experiment.   

Limbic Arc vs. WIFI Router.  Watch Limbic Arc neutralize radiation, EMF's and more!

Research Paper  from US National Library of Medicine - 

Energy Medicine: Current Status and Future Perspectives

Click Here

Conclusion from the article:  Without crossover applications of human touch and device-based EM (Energy Medicine) treatments well integrated and easily accepted in Western medicine, today’s medicine will continue to lack the missing piece of science so desperately needed to complete the human cycle of existence. Physics must be blended with biochemistry to effectively treat the human being without adverse effects. It is clear that science and technology have resulted in vastly improved understanding, diagnosis, and treatment of disease, but the emphasis on biochemical treatment over quantum/energy-based technology is creating adverse events in today’s health care.21 The healing of a patient must include more than the biology and chemistry of their physical body; by necessity, it must include the mental, emotional, and spiritual (energetic) aspects. EM is on the forefront of accepting this challenge.

How has it  helped me?

I have been using the APP since June of 2018 and it has been incredible.  It is life changing.  I will be forever grateful to Dr. Vaughn Cook for taking his success with ZYTO and moving it to the next level to be able to help us all at a quantum level.  I can tell you I will not be without this APP.  It is a part of my life here on out!  Here are some incredible changes I have seen in just 4 short months of using this app:


  • For the past 10 plus years I wake up at 5:00 am without an alarm clock.  It never mattered what time I went to bed.  I ran the SLEEP InfoBoost and I slept 12 hours that night.  Can you imagine what it felt like to wake up at 8:30 am!  EXTRAORDINARY! My 5 AM wake is gone for good.  Most of the time it is 7:30 that I see the light of day.  The Limbic Arc disrupted my pattern.

  • I have had scaly patches on my skin since I was 8 years old.  I put together a CUSTOM INFOBOOST specifically with the intention of getting rid of my scaly patches. I ran this for 3 cycles of 8 days each and my patches on my hands are completely gone.  I am in complete AWE!

  • I have always struggled with focusing especially during a lecture or seminar.  The day before I attended a convention for the weekend, I ran the FOCUS INFOBOOST.  Can you say WOW!!!!  You guys, I sat in my chair the entire time completely focused.  I listened intently and I completely retained what I learned. I didn't need to get up and walk around. I can even recall people specifically, what they looked like and what they said.  This is a first for me!

  • I took a nasty fall.  I am a heavy lady.  I fell on a cobble stone road.  My knees hit, my elbows hit but I saved the face.  I was a bloody mess.  I got up right away and finished crossing the street.  My knees hurt but I was able to walk.  I attended the session I was heading too.  I applied some essential oils I had.  My knee was very stiff but I was able to walk which was amazing.  I had my friend do a quick touch for health reset.  My other friends did Symphony of the Cells on me for inflammation.  I started the PAIN INFOBOOST on my LIMBIC ARC app.  The next morning I needed to fly home and get through airports etc.  I woke up with no pain.  I walked all day with no pain.  I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the PAIN INFOBOOST helped me to be able to be OK just a day later.  I recovered in a day and I know at some level LIMIBIC ARC helped me get through this mishap. I also believe that my body was able to handle it from all the other INFOBOOSTs I have used over the past three months prior to this incident.  

  • With all of the RONA going on in this world, I woke up one morning just ornery and I was in a dark place.  I have a very pleasant personality so it was very unusual for me to feel like I was hating the world.  By 10:00 in the morning I couldn't stand how I was feeling so I grabbed my phone and I deleted one of my INFOBOOST so I had room for a brand new CUSTOM boost.  I simply spark scanned saying the following - "Lord, this is Sue, I do not like who I am today and how I am feeling.  I have no idea where this darkness is coming from but you have the solution for me.  I just know it!  Thank you so much for loving me!"  I did the kinesthetic response, selected 7 days and activated the boost.  Within 15 minutes I was feeling so much lighter and within a half hour the darkness was gone and hasn't returned!  This technology is beautiful!

  • Click here for my full testimony

I find that in this frustrating time we are in that this ONE HOUR every single day brings me joy, peace, love, serenity, calmness and education.  This is a group of over one hundred people from all over the world, coming together to share their experiences.  We love on one another, we learn together and we all follow the YELLOW BRICK ROAD to wellness!  Click on the link below at 3PM EST and join me and the whole quantum nomads family on this ZOOM call!




Testimonials from across the Globe

Dr. Cook, the founder of this technology, shared with us how to use this technology to help remove trauma from your life.  

       Cathy from New Zealand overcomes her PTSD

       Here is Janie's story about trauma around dog bites

       Here is Tracy's story getting rid of her trauma 


Here are some other's that are truly amazing!

       Terri Mackinnon goes from her death bed to being ALIVE

       Morganne shares how her vision improved for the first time in 32 years

       Toni Taylor shares her experience with the Limbic Arc technology

       Machiel and Mackie are both in their 80's and share their experience

       Dr. Sandra Clark loves the Limic Arc

       Carl Haavaldsen - Beyond the Pain  

       Rick Fenton quits smoking after 45 years



Or email me at for more information.  Please send me your email address as well as your telephone number.  I would love to chat with you.

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